By: Bonnie Sharpe On: February 25, 2021 In: News Item Comments: 0


Are you looking for a way to serve children and youth in foster care but aren’t sure how?   Here are a few simple ideas to fundraise virtually for our kids in Los Angeles:

  • Host a virtual luncheon with your friends on behalf of Extraordinary Families.
  • Host a virtual webinar and advocate for our youth and children in foster care.
  • Encourage friends to set up fundraising pages on behalf of Extraordinary Families.
  • Set up an online auction with proceeds directly benefiting Extraordinary Families.
  • Offer a free gift to anyone who donates to Extraordinary Families.
  • Host a virtual concert and have proceeds of your ticket sales go to Extraordinary Families.
  • Host a virtual game night! There are many platforms that support gaming virtually. Invite your friends and family to a tournament and have each participate make a contribution to Extraordinary Families.

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